

Mind Blowing Tips and Tricks

  • Sleeping on your right side will help you fall asleep rather than sleeping on your left. 
  • Save a powerpoint presentation as .pps instead of .ppt to make it directly start the show.  
  • When you're at an event, always hold your drink in your left hand. That way your right hand won't be cold and/or wet when you shake hands.
  • When your kids are born, reserve them a good e-mail address. Send them pictures, notes, etc. Give to them when 18.  
  • Try to make three people smile each day. It's the easiest way to improve your confidence and make the world a better place. 
  • Bad handwriting? Keep this in mind: more intelligent people tend to think faster, and as a result their handwriting is more sloppy.  
  • Use Google as a dictionary by typing “define” followed with the word you want to understand. 
  • If you dial 3-0-7-5-6-6-6-5-5-5-6-6-6-3-0-7-5-6-6-6-5-5-3-2-1 on a touchtone phone you'll play 'Mary Had a Little Lamb'.  
  • People who talk to themselves are more likely to have a high I.Q. 
  • During pregnancy if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.  
  • If you stare into a mirror in low light for a few minutes, your brain will get bored and begin to make imaginary monsters. 
  • Research suggests that laziness is just a natural part of being a teenager and doesn't reflect bad behavior.  
  • The dates 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10 and 12/12 will all fall on the same day of the week in any given year. 
  • If you search for 241543903 in Google images, you will find a lot of pictures of people putting their heads in refrigerators.  
  • If you drop your phone in water, put it in a bag of dry rice. The rice will absorb the water.
  • If you see a statue of a man on a horse, look at the horse. If the horse has both of its front feet in the air, then the man died in battle. 

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