

Crypto Currency

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               Now Days CryptoCurrency Make some sence at Everywere.but in Reality the Basic Concept of Cryptocurrencies or the Real Knowlage of this Word is not understand by today’s Common Man.
For Ex.When Albert Einstine Descoverd “Theory of Relativity”  whole World
know that he discovered Big thing but most People Does not know what
Exactly he discovered.
Same thing here,People heard about Crypto Currency but they don’t know Exactly about that.

So in this toturial We will try our Best to make Reader aware about it and Give Some Detailed Information about this Word “CRYPTO CURRENCY”
               CRYPTO CURRENCY is the Part of Digital Currencies.you can call it alternative Currencies or Virtual Currencies.
We have try to define Exact Meaning of this two word Crypto and Currency using below chart.


So we can say Basically Crpto Currency is your Secret Property.the word crypto Defines as Secret or Hidden and you know about Currency Means asset or we can say one type of Property.that Means only you or owner know about that.the currency used in this system is in the crypto form so only sender and Recevier know about that.
               We can say Crypto Currency is one type of Digital Property that uses Cryptography as a medium of Exchange for its Secure Transmission,to Verify the transfer of asset and to control the Creation of additional units.
               You can call it e-Currencies means its not as like your other currency that is in your wallet.it can not store in your pant or shirt’s pocket.it can shown only on Computers.So we can call it Digital Currency.

               Crypto Currencies Launched in 2009 and its First Decentralliszed Cryptocurrency was BIT COIN

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